
You know what all this waiting is like?

It's like being a big, huge pregnant lady who's 2 weeks overdue.

We're miserable in our current state and so anxious for the next stage that we just can't stand it. We know this can't go on forever, but there's seriously no end in sight. We keep thinking, today's the day, every single day, but ultimately it isn't.

It just keeps dragging on and on and on.

The good news is that our landlord has finally moved on. He's got a new girlfriend, uh, I mean renter for our townhouse. The sad and sorry break up seems to be almost behind us, but it wasn't without drama.

As you'll recall, when I gave my landlord notice to leave, he acted shocked and hurt, backing me into a semi-defensive, it's-not-you-it's-me mode.

Seriously, this place is great. We love living here, really we do. It's just we're ready to move on and own our own house.

There was also an uncomfortable encounter in the grocery store.

Hi, Jess. You're looking well. How are your moving plans coming?

Um, good thanks. Look, I've gotta run. You take care now, okay?

Then he even tried to coax us back by buying us dinner.

In an effort to make as few waves as possible, every time he asked to show our place, I obliged. As a sign of thanks, he showed up on our doorstep one night with a pizza and 2-liter of root beer. I thanked him profusely and gushed on how he really didn't have to go through the trouble. To which he replied:

If you guys want to still stay here through the end of the summer, you can.

And there was even yet another angry telephone hang up, this time over who'd pay for carpet cleaning. He hung up on me when I told him I'd clean and vacuum the place, but would not have the carpets shampooed.

Yeah, this move can't come soon enough.

So we continue to wait. Like the big, fat preggo, we're constantly nesting -- actually just talking about nesting in the new house -- and looking at the calendar wondering when this all will end.

At least these preggos can drink.

1 comment:

Ryan Family said...

The finish line is on the horizon! You're close---just a little bit longer.

And then you have to add that last line about drinking. Sigh.
I think I'm drooling over the idea of a tall glass of champagne. Or maybe a strawberry margarita.