Four-Minute Countdown

A few days ago in the car, The Deuce asked,

We (she and her twin sister, Mad Dog) were born 4 minutes apart, right?


Does that mean we're going to die 4 minutes apart too?

I was really surprised by her question.

No. Not at all.

But how can you be sure?

Well, I stammered. Nobody can be absolutely sure when they're going to die, but chances are, you guys WILL NOT die within 4 minutes of each other.

But we were born together, we won't die together?

This was really getting heavy.

Not unless you guys share the same heart. Once someone's heart stops beating, they die. You each have your own heart. They beat independently and won't stop at the same time.

Her questions continued and I tried my best to answer them thoughtfully and on a level her 9 year-old brain could handle. I was thankful when we pulled into the Noodles parking lot for lunch, causing her to quickly change the subject.

I want mac and cheese with chopsticks!

Thank God for short attention spans.

At work the next day, I mentioned this exchange to a co-worker who also has twin girls. I relayed how long and drawn-out the line of questions were and how l struggled to give good answers. He responded,

Thanks for the head's up. Now I'm prepared. If my kids ask me if they're going to die at the same time, I'm just going to say, "yes."

Smart guy.

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