Hands off, ladies. He's mine.

I'm the luckiest girl in the world. Despite being in the hospital for the majority of June, sicker than I've ever been in my life, I am blessed. Blessed with an amazing guy.

Getting sick was completely unexpected. And it came at a time when we were busy with wedding plans, settling into the new house, and transitioning the kids from school to their summertime day camp.

Oh, and laundry had piled up and we were in desperate need for a grocery store run.

As awful as I felt physically, I felt worse knowing that Mark had so much thrust on his shoulders at once. I was confident he'd handle it - he's a clever, resourceful guy - but I was concerned about all the stress he was under. The kids can be a real handful and something like a simple trip to the grocery with the crew in tow can make you want to pull your hair out.

Still, he handled it all with ease. Here's a list of some of what he did while I was down for the count:

  • Rebooked all of the wedding vendors (florist, hair salon, tent rental, catering, etc.).
  • Set the girls up for their first week of day camp. (Paid fees, packed lunches, bought supplies).
  • Took the kids shopping for a Father's Day gift for my ex-husband AND took the kids to his house for an hour-long visit.
  • Planned, purchased and prepared meals for nearly a month. (Some family members delivered home-cooked meals to help out, but Mark logged quite a few hours in the kitchen.)
  • Single-handedly turned Crowbar's sour-faced morning routine into a daily gigglefest. (The boy wakes up smiling now, instead of fighting me to get out of bed.)
  • Bought a fishing pole and set up a tackle box for The Deuce's fishing camp.
  • Ran countless loads of laundry and made sure the kids were clean, well-dressed and warm.
  • Kept the house tidy and clean.
  • Trained the twins to make their lunches for day camp.
  • Mowed the lawn.
  • Signed several field trip permission slips and handled countless notes from teachers and camp counselors.
  • Took the kids to two separate birthday parties - including buying and wrapping the gifts.
  • Refereed countless fights, squabbles and arguments.

And, on top of it all, managed to come visit me in the hospital nearly every day. Oh, yeah... all while working full time.

Is there anything this guy can't do?

While I was in the hospital, several nurses asked me who was taking care of my kids for me. When I gushed about Mark and how great a job he was doing, I was told more than once that a lot of patients are filled with anxiety and dread, worrying about their kids. Some have to leave their kids with abusive spouses. Others have their kids bounced around from relative to relative - and aren't sure where they are at any given time.

I had none of that. I cried in my hospital bed, longing to be home again, but those tears weren't out of distrust or worry. They were tears of joy that I can trust Mark to handle everything. And that he could do it all so well.

I don't doubt that the last several weeks have been tough on him. But he's proved that he can not only tread water, but swim. I can tell by the way the kids respond to him now. They're all so much closer than before. They trust him more. Respect him more. Love him more.

So again I say, I am the luckiest girl in the world. I'm blessed with an amazing guy who is amazing with my kids.

Mark, I love you with all of my heart. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! I don't know what I did to deserve you.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Mark!!! I'm really proud of you. :)
The Williamson men can really Step Up in times of need!

Karen (sister)

Jody said...

You deserve HIM and all that great stuff because you are just YOU!!! :o) What a great feeling to know that the man of your dreams also fulfills all of your children's needs as well as your own. God is good...isn't He?? And Mark was definitely sent from above!

Jess said...

Amen, sistas!

Mark's been walking around here bragging about how he was able to successfully keep 3 kids, a dog and 75% of the houseplants alive for over a month.

Honestly, I don't know of any other guy who could've done as well as he did.

I'm a lucky, lucky girl.

LEE said...

I am so happy that you have found a guy like Mark, Jess! You deserve him. I'm glad that you are feeling better. I didn't realize that you had been so sick. Pancreatitis is horrible. My 'daughter' had it a year ago and she was in the hospital for 2 wks. She was miserable. She had a new baby, couldn't be w/ him, missed her husband; she'd call me to tell me and like you cried while lying in her hospital bed because she wanted to be at home. She simply missed her family more than she was sick.

Again, Jessica, I'm glad you have found such a wonderful man! I don't know Mark, but I love him already!