After travels to exotic lands

After getting the kids back last weekend, The Deuce and I ran to the grocery store together. We needed to get supplies for the kids' lunches for the upcoming week.

"Mom," she began. "Have you ever heard of salami?"

She spoke in an excited and somewhat hushed tone.

"Yeah," I responded, quizzically.

"Aunt Bees made me us sandwiches with salami and butter and they were soooo good! Do they have salami here, where we live?"

"Yes, honey, we've got salami here."

"Awesome!" she cheered, doing a little woo-hoo jump. You'd have thought I bought her a bright shiny new bike, the way she reacted.

Funny. We both took vacations to new and exciting locations. I discovered I like mahi-mahi and The Deuce discovered a whole new world of sandwich meat.

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