
I don't know what I'm more excited for. The wedding and reception or the honeymoon.

I can't wait to marry Mark and party with my family on Saturday, but knowing the next day we're ditching the kids and hopping a jet to beautiful Marco Island, I think I'm a wee bit more excited for the vacation.

Somehow, some way, I've never ever taken an honest-to-goodness vacation getaway somewhere fun IN MY WHOLE LIFE.

As a kid, my family vacations were spent visiting relatives in Indiana. (We had great fun, but it sure wasn't Disney.)

In college, I spent every single Spring Break writing term papers and waiting tables. While my friends headed down to Daytona, I stayed behind in the dreary, gray Midwest due to lack of funds and unfair amount of homework.

And I didn't even get a decent vacation after my first walk down the aisle. Always practical, we opted to use our honeymoon funds toward a down payment on a house.

So, this vacation is definitely well earned and will certainly be greatly appreciated.

I plan to bring my camera and new netbook with me. If I have time, and an Internet connection, I hope to write a post or two and share some pictures of our adventures.

I can't think of a better way to celebrate the path we've traveled so far and to kick off a new chapter in our lives together.

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