Wish you weren't here. (No offense.)

This week, Honeymoon Week, has been incredible.

I know that there are some people who love a vacation that's action packed and full of adventure. Some who schedule every waking moment so they won't miss out on one second of fun. Their days are planned from the second the luggage is snatched off the baggage return to the moment the hand in the keys to the rental car.

We are not these people.

This honeymoon has been marked by a serious lack of schedule. We've rarely looked at clocks -- unless it's to determine if it's happy hour. We've eaten and slept when we've felt like it and have done tours and trips when they were convenient. We've spent hours strolling various beaches pointing out interesting shells, without once feeling rushed. (Except for that time when the tide started to come in and we risked losing our snorkeling gear.)

And we've napped. Oh, how we've napped.

Our naps have been spontaneous and wonderful. We've dropped our beach towels and fallen asleep on the spot for several delicious hours, only waking to sip some sangria or hunt down dinner. (As I'm writing this, Mark's snoozing away upstairs.)

No clocks. No problem.

We may sound like the most boring couple alive, but after the last couple months we've endured, this kind of vacation has been exactly what we needed.

Our honeymoon officially ends tomorrow. We'll fly back to town, collect the kids and return to work Monday morning.

Part of me is sad to hand back this life of leisure. But a different part, a bigger part, is looking forward to returning to our Real Lives.

I think it's because our Real Lives will be new and different than before the wedding and this honeymoon. Before, we were living our lives in flux. We never got to find our new normal in our new house. Instead, we moved. We unpacked. I got sick. We planned a wedding. And that was it.

We never got a chance to just... be.

Mark summed it up best the other day when he said he was looking forward to beginning our boring future together. A time when we can just be together and not be busy looking ahead to the next big thing.

I think this vacation has put us in the right mindset for that boring, uneventful future.

The fabulous Mr. & Mrs. W.


c said...

That sounds like the perfect honeymoon. Maybe you mentioned it in an earlier post, but where did you go?

And I can identify with that- wanting to start your boring future together. I think it sounds nice to just *be* together, too. To grow old and annoy your children together. lol

Jess said...

Amen. We had a great time just being together. Mark has only ever known me with kids. Since I have custody 99.9% of the time, they're always here and we don't get to spend much time alone.

After this past week, I think we're going to get a sitter for weekly date nights. That alone time is sooo important.

Oh yeah, we went to Marco Island, FL. It was incredible.