Float me to the moon.

Due to a scheduling oddity, Mark and I are only going to have Crowbar with us tonight. The girls will be staying over at their Dad's.

When Crowbar first learned he wouldn't be staying over too, he was rightfully disappointed. After all, going to Dad's is fun. There's almost always a trip to McDonald's and a whole room full of toys and games they only see once every week or two. (Keeps 'em fresh and fun.)

So Mark and I decided to give Crowbar a special night tonight. We're taking him to the movie of his choice -- A BOY MOVIE. Normally the girls strong-arm him into watching girlie-type shows. Mark and I often lobby on his behalf to watch proper Boy Stuff like, Super Friends, Diego and Transformers.

So tonight, we're going to the Real Movie Theater (the one that charges $35/seat and $47.50 for popcorn*) to see Crowbar's choice: Astro Boy.

When we told him the news, he was beyond geeked. He skipped through the house, pumping his arm, saying, "YESSSSS!"

I may not cave into a trip to McDonalds, but we may do one better: A&W to sit on the swivel stools and drink root beer floats.

It may just be the best night ever.

* Yes, I'm exaggerating, but still... movie theater prices are rih-donk-u-lous. We rarely go to theaters, but when we do, it's almost always the 2nd-run, budget place. On the rare occasion that I go to the first-run place, I immediately turn into a crabby old lady when I see the price list. "In my day, a movie ticket cost $4.50!"

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