Just a wee bit going on.

Yikes! It's been over a week since my last post. Well, it's not for a lack of trying.

This past week and weekend were pretty busy and didn't leave much in the way of spare time.

This is my crunch time at work. I do internal communications for a big company and September-October is our benefits open enrollment prep period. This past week was so stressful in terms of deadlines and whatnot, that each night after work I've come home and done the bare minimum in terms of extra curriculars.

Friday night, I picked up the kids, scheduled a pizza delivery and then hit Blockbuster for some mindless entertainment. It's gotta be kid-friendly, so we grabbed a disc full of old Muppet Show episodes. I ordered everyone into their pajamas and we crashed out on the couch for the night. It was WONDERFUL.

Also, this past weekend I taught my first Sunday School class. Yeah, me. Can you believe it? A few Sundays ago, the Christian ed director got up in front of church and made a desperate plea for someone to "prayerfully consider" teaching the six and seven year olds. And the next thing I knew, I was raising my hand to volunteer.

I was a little intimidated by all the materials, but once I figured it out -- with Mark's help -- it ended up making sense. I got through my first class yesterday and it went really well. I tell you, I have a new respect for teachers. I always knew their jobs were tough, but I didn't realize how much off-the-clock prep time is spent before teaching an actual lesson.

So, riding high on my Sunday School success, I feel prepared to face another challenging work-week.

Oh, and in case you're wondering who won the football pool last week? Mad Dog. She killed us, picking nine or ten winning teams. And don't tell him yet, but it looks like Crowbar's going to dominate this week.

The pool is having its desired effect. Instead of groaning when they see football on TV, they ask for status reports of each game. Crowbar has had us in stitches, asking,

"Are the New Nork Giants winning?"



Then he showboats around the family room, pumping his fists.

At least this awful week has had its share of comic relief.

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