Still keeping cooking fun

Despite me not posting about it in a long time, I've kept my '09 NYE resolution to keep cooking fun for well over a year now.

From a movie night where we watched AND ate Ratatouille, to exploring recipes on the back of the box, I've grown to enjoy cooking more and more.

But to be honest, Mark plays a huge role. He's my best cheerleader. While the kids poke at their plates suspiciously searching for onion, Mark's typically on his second or third helping. Which, according to my grandma is good because she thinks I (and I quote) need to fatten him up some.

Some of my creations have been pretty good and others didn't work out as desired. Here are some snaps of some of the more noteworthy dishes:

Ho-made Bread Bowls:

We filled these diddies with baked potato soup. The kids liked topping their potatoes. Note to self: use less bread per bowl. Each kid got like a quarter of a loaf. (But they gobbled them up.)


Just like lasagna, but with cooked spaghetti.

To be honest, I thought the kids would like this one more. They love spaghetti, but aren't fans of ho-made sauce. They prefer their spaghetti sauce free, unless it's Chef Boyardee. (Go figure.)

Grandma's Peanut Butter Rolls:

There was some dispute in my family about who originated this recipe. Some said it was Grandma, others say it was Great Grandma. But I maintain they didn't make Pillsbury Refrigerator Biscuits in G-G's day.

My computer is full of even more pictures. I'll do a part 2 sometime soon. Promise.


mames said...

i love the bread bowl idea. how did you make those, if you don;t mind me asking?

Jess said...

I've got to come clean. The bread bowls are only semi-ho-made. I used frozen wheat bread dough.

I thawed out the dough according to the package directions, sprayed some oven-safe bowls with non-stick spray, turned them upside-down and molded the dough to the bowls and baked them at 375 for about 20 minutes.

Here's the recipe:

Mames - I've read you make your own crackers. From scratch. The bread bowl recipe is amateurish by comparison. ;)