Little known fact: I heart Alec Baldwin.

I have a secret thing for Alec Baldwin.

I know. It's weird. But allow me to explain:

It's not about him as a person. It's more about the characters he plays. I love Jack Donaghy on 30 Rock and whenever he's on SNL (which is quite often), I'm glued. And those weird Hulu commercials... I even like those for some reason.

It's inexplicable.

Just when I didn't think anything could top his SNL classic character Pete Schweddy (who bakes schweddy balls), along comes this little gem:

Thank you Mr. Baldwin. Thank you very much.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Oh. My. God. I just laughed so hard by myself, with the rest of my family sleeping. I think I need to start watching SNL again.