This ain't no party. This ain't no disco. This ain't no fooling around.

I'm pretty sure I'm sending my kids to school and not a rave everyday. Though some days, I'm forced to question what exactly they're doing there.

Last week Friday, my kids, like others across the country, commemorated Valentine's Day with a class party. I did it when I was a kid and I'm pretty sure anyone reading this blog did too.

I remember how much Valentine's Day rocked. We'd decorate our mailboxes - old shoe or cereal boxes covered with red and pink construction paper - and we'd hand out little paper cards and conversation hearts. And, if we were lucky, some one's mom would make cupcakes.

Well, friends. Things have changed a bit. When I picked up the kids last Friday, they talked a mile a minute, gushing over the day's events.

Here's The Deuce's account:

Oh, Mom, it was great. We decorated our mailboxes (check) and handed out our Valentines (check). Then we at red cupcakes (check) and dipped little marshmallows in a chocolate fountain. (Wah?!)

Yes, you heard me. Chocolate fountain. At a grade school. That's new, I thought.

I wanted one of these babies for the wedding, but forget it. It's not special anymore.

The following week, Mad Dog bounced into the car and announced they'd had a laser light show that day.

Yeah, we went into the gym and the turned out the lights and played music and lasers flashed all around. We danced and danced.

Really? Did they pass out pacifiers and balloons full of nitrous oxide too?

Eventually after some additional probing, I learned the laser show was part of a science unit - though I remained skeptical until she could prove she'd actually learned something about lasers.

I couldn't say the word laser without doing the Dr. Evil air quotie thing.

Mad Dog rolled her eyes and proceeded to educate me about lasers.

Lasers are coherent light beams that remains the same size from the point it's produced to the very end of the beam.

Oh, and they can't kill people like on Star Wars.

Yes sir. It's nice to see that my tax dollars are being put to good use.

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