Naughty-kid amnesia

What they say about mothers being able to forget about the pain of childbirth so they willingly have more kids is totally true. But I think there's another kind of amnesia that mothers experience when separated from their kids for a while.

I call it Naughty-Kid Amnesia.

Whether off on a week-long business trip or just shipping the kids to Granny's for an afternoon, it seems like no matter how bratty and awful your little monsters were before they left, you forget about it while they're away. Then, when you're reunited, memories of their monster-like behavior have gone out the window.

And it's a good thing too, because otherwise, you wouldn't even let them back in the house.

Just this past week, my kids have been barely tolerable. The bickering between the twins is unbearable and Crowbar's daily reports from daycare have been awful. (He's started calling people stupid asses there.)

So, when Wednesday rolled around and their dad picked them up for an overnight stay, I was elated. I gave them kisses and hugs, all the while thinking, Don't let the door hit ya on the way out.

Laying in bed last night, I replayed the week's events over and over, feeling frustrated by all the naughtiness. But this morning when I woke up, memories of their foolishness had been replaced by an aching desire to see them again.

Funny, I'd considered changing the locks just the night before.

I guess it's God's way of helping moms maintain their sanity. Every day with my kids is full of drama that even the best soap opera writers couldn't concoct:

There's mystery: Who took my backpack?!?!
Intrigue: Who ate the last of the Pringles?!?!
And even a little violence: He hit me, so I punched him back.

It's downright exhausting. I guess that's why these breaks are so good. While my energy level replenishes, my brain seems to recalibrate, wiping my memory banks clean, so I can welcome them home with open arms -- and a clean slate.

I guess it's one of those miracles of nature, akin to natural selection and survival of the fittest. But with as naughty as those kids were earlier this week, they're damn lucky. Naughty-kid amnesia is as much a gift for them as it is for me.

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