Registration Eggs.

Our church did something pretty cool this year to help families discuss the story of Christ's death and resurrection. They gave each family an egg carton full of bright plastic Easter eggs. Each was numbered and starting April 1, families were to open an egg and discuss the contents.

It's like an Advent calendar, but better. Each egg contains a slip of paper with a Bible verse and a small item to represent what the verse described.

Egg #4, for example, contained tiny thorns and the verse from Matthew, describing when the soldiers dressed Jesus in a purple robe and placed a crown of thorns on his head.

Egg #6 contained a small silver spike and the verse describing how Jesus was nailed to the cross.

It's been a great way for us to talk about the importance of what Jesus did to save us from our sins -- in a way that's fun and easy for kids to understand.

Despite all this talk about Jesus' sacrifice, the kids can't seem to remember the word resurrection. Instead, they say registration and each morning, bound up to me, carton in hand, asking to open a registration egg.

As long as they're getting the purpose of the eggs, I don't bother correcting them.

Happy Easter, everyone!

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