For Crowbar

Dear Crowbar,

This week you turned four. It seems like yesterday when I held you in my arms for the first time. I remember studying your chubby little face and wondering how on earth I could be so blessed.

I love everything about you. Here are some of the things you do that endear you to my heart:
  • You're the best cuddler in the whole history of cuddlers.
  • You often ask me how my day was.
  • You prefer to be called Crowbar over your real name.
  • You've got the cutest, skinniest little pajama butt.
  • You make the best helicopter sound effects.
  • You've already set high expectations for yourself. (Relax a little, honey.)
  • You're a great dancer. Seriously. (You didn't get that from me.)
  • I love your dimple.
  • You tell jokes to make others happy.
  • Your impression of WALL-E is spot on.
  • You've known how to work those baby blue eyes since you were two.
  • When I scold you, you do that fake quivering lip thing. It makes me nuts, but deep down, I love it.
  • You care about your sisters, even when they're being awful to you.
  • Your imagination knows no limits. I've never seen a kid who can entertain himself for so long with just his fingers.
  • You love broccoli and get mad when I don't make it.
  • You took me aside to explain that "Chuck E. Cheese's is clean now" and thus, a suitable location for your birthday party.

Crowbar and Mom at the newly clean Chuck E. Cheese.

The first four years have been wonderful. While we've had some tough times, I can always count on you to give me a hug and a smile when I need it most.

I love you so much.



Ryan Family said...

Aww, this made me tear up a bit. (Probably the excessive hormones...)
I was slightly sad at first to hear that we're having a boy, but reading your post reassured me that boys have their own perks. (Even though their clothes arent nearly as cute as girls clothing.) :)

Karen Ebersole said...

Soooooo sweet Jess! Made me tear up too. Probably partly due to leftover pregnancy hormones...

That's a keeper for his baby book for sure! And I learned some wonderfully endearing things about your little Crowbar. :)

Jess said...

Thanks, guys. That little guy has my heart, that's for sure. I wrote this even after his naughty streak at daycare started.

He's been calling his classmates "stupid asses." I SWEAR, I don't know where he heard it. I call everyone "DUMB asses."
