On my honor, I will try...to watch HSM3 99 times.

Last night Mad Dog and The Deuce graduated from Brownies to Junior Girl Scouts. There was a little ceremony in the gym, complete with a color guard, oaths and, of course, Girl Scout cookies.

We stood at attention as 50 little girls marched in, carrying American flags. We recited the pledge of allegiance and we watched as our girls crossed a little wooden bridge decked out in silk flowers, symbolizing a crossing over from one Girl Scout milestone to another.

Oh, and we laughed our asses off.

The ceremony marked the end of a year full of bowling alleys and roller skating parties -- with no legitimate service projects to speak of.

Perusing the official Girl Scout website, I see badges for activities like:

  • Careers
  • Caring and Sharing
  • Healthy Habits
  • Math Fun
  • Manners
  • Penny Power
  • Watching Wildlife

My girls earned patches for:

  • Going to the Zoo
  • Movie Night
  • Rollerskating
  • Bowling
  • Sleepover Fun
So, as the little girls recited the Girl Scout Promise:

On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

Mark, my ex and I sat in the back row, snickering.

Really? How did that outing to watch High School Musical 3 serve our country? When during all those games of ski-ball did they help anyone? (Besides themselves to more cotton candy.)

Now, don't get bent out of shape.

I can imagine that leading 16 eight-year olds is a tough job. I can also appreciate that at this age, creating camaraderie and teaching respect and honesty are important. And, I also understand that scouting provides fun outlets for kids who may not be able to do fun activities like these. But I guess I was hoping for a more balanced experience. Instead of going to the movies, they could've gone caroling at a nursing home or planted flowers or visited a recycling center.

The girls will be changing schools after we move and we plan to sign them up for that school's troop next year. I can't help but wonder if the new leader will take the service aspect more seriously.

And if she does, and has the girls out on the side of the road picking up litter instead of visiting a water park, what will my kids think?

I guess only time will tell.

1 comment:

Jody said...

I think you will find (hopefully) that the new troop will be different... Tati's troop has her doing neighborhood clean-ups AND singing Christmas carols at the local assisted living home! Although, I'm still not sure they understand that it is community service. And I don't even know that she earned a badge for it either! Oh well...