No pressure whatsoever.

Okay, I'm out of the closet. My boss knows about my blog. (Hi, B!)

It was inevitable.

At work, my cohorts in the department are exploring the uses for social media in business communications. As such, they're all venturing out into the world of Twitter, Facebook and blogs, trying to learn these platforms and determine if we can/should be using them professionally.

While I'm not officially on the social media team, I'm interested in Twitter out of a desire to stay on top of trends in communication (professionally) and prepare myself for when the only way I can communicate with my kids is through a hand-held device.

So, I Twit - oh, wait Tweet the lamest Tweets that ever were -- not because I'm some egomaniac who actually thinks that anyone cares what kind of pizza crust I like -- but because I think I'm going to actually need it to know where the heck my kids are someday.

This video perfectly portrays the ridiculousness of some of the Tweets out there and reminds me of something I heard once:

Nobody cares about you as much as you do.

Though, on the blog side, I've got to admit that I'm kind of impressed by how many people are reading my blog, despite the fact that my own mom doesn't read it.

But I don't get too worked up over it. I write this blog for me -- not really for any perceived audience -- though now knowing my boss and a few more co-workers may venture over here from time to time, I do feel a little nervous.

I'm not worried about them reading what I write. I never talk about work really, uh, except for here and here -- but what I say is really very benign and, hopefully not career limiting in any way.

Nah, I'm more concerned about their reaction to how I write...overusing ellipses...favoring italics over quotation marks -- and strewing dashes all over the place -- I know. It defies logic. As a professional communicator, why do I routinely abuse the English language when I'm off work? Deep down, I think I'm lashing out against the choke hold of AP Style we're required to use on the job.

So, am I afraid of my boss reading my posts and Tweets? No. I'm just afraid of coming into work Monday to find my weekend blog post printed and copy edited on my chair.

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