Are you there Vodka? It's me, Jess.

1 - not a drop
2 - just a nip
3 - take another snort (or three)
4 - open up that second box of wine
5 - black-out city

It's been a rough week and deadlines at work are totally kicking my ass. What's frustrating is that a lot is out of my control and I'm waiting on other people to contribute their parts before I can wrap up mine. My strategy has been to do my best, keep communicating with my clients and then hit the bottle when I get home.

On the flip side, the kids have been little rock stars all week. The fighting has been minimal and returning to the back-to-school routine hasn't been half bad. (Woo hoo!)


EJ said...

Hittin' the bottle?! I have no idea how you haven't built a live-in bottle with your schedule :)

Jess said...

Now, don't go planning an intervention. I'm really not too bad. With said schedule, my Diet Coke addiction is what we all should be most concerned about. Caffiene is my best friend. That and chocolate. Okay, okay... and $1.99 margaritas at Tumbleweeds. (SIGH) I guess admitting the problem is the first step. :)