Back in biz.

Holy crap. It's hard being offline for over a week -- unable to access, my favorite blogs or any news websites. Now that I've caught up on what's going on in the world around me, allow me to bring you up to speed on what's been shakin' over here.

Last week Thursday, we successfully closed on the house. After two hours of waiting for funds to transfer and paperwork to fax, we were handed the keys to our new home. Still weary from the preceding days of angst and worry, we promptly drove to the new house to make sure the keys actually worked. They did.

We were officially moved out of the townhouse and into our new place last Saturday. So many people helped us out. From watching the kids, to moving furniture, to helping clean the old place -- we are blessed to have truly amazing friends and family. Thanks a lot Mom and Dad W., Grandma Judy, Grandpa Dave, Grams and Gramps B. and Willie and Joni. You guys are all amazing.

One of the Moving Day highlights came when I handed my landlord the keys and drove out of the cul-de-sac for the last time. It was a surprisingly normal exchange. I think he's finally come to terms with our breakup and is looking forward to a fresh new relationship with his new tenant.

We spent the rest of the weekend and all day Monday unpacking, hanging window treatments and setting up the kids' rooms. The mad scramble was exhausting and not without some bloodshed. We were on a tight timeline to get the house into a livable condition by the time Tuesday rolled around because after that, I'd be out of commission for a while.

I've been having gallbladder attacks for the last few months and after several particularly painful episodes and a trip to the ER, we decided to schedule surgery as soon as we could after the move. So, Tuesday I was admitted to the hospital for the procedure.

First, let me say that when news began to spread that I was having my gallbladder out, people came out of the woodwork, telling me they too, had the same procedure. Seriously, it sounds like more people have had it removed than still have it in.

Also, people volunteered all sorts of scary stories. I heard how some people were back on their feet two days after surgery, others two weeks. I even heard about someone who died from complications. All this news was a little much to take, so I tried my best to just focus on what my doctor told me, say a few prayers and go with the flow.

With a fist full of pain pills, I was finally allowed to come home on Thursday. I'm still really sore and need help to get up off the couch. (Nothing like feeling like a beached whale.) Mark and the kids have been great, helping me out and running the show while I watch from the sidelines.

When I feel better, I'll take and post some pictures of the new house. I promise.

Oh yeah, 14 more days until the wedding. I'd say I'm living pretty full life.


Ryan Family said...

Oh, I'm so glad you're back! And, congrats (finally!) on officially getting the house.

How has your recovery been--better or worse than anticipated?? All those stories from other people sounds like the women at a baby shower trying to tell their "best" (worst?) labor & delivery experience. Each tale gets taller and taller...

We have a 9-week intern that just started last week. I was trying to explain how super fabulous you are, but reminded her that you won't really be around until July. She'll just have to wait to experience the awesomeness herself. :)

Recover well. See you soon!

Jess said...

You're so sweet!

You know, I really didn't know what to expect recovery-wise, but I was surprised by how much I want/need medicine to help control the pain.

In the past, with dental surgery or even after having the kids, I've been able to get by with over-the-counter stuff, but I've needed to call on the big guns for this.

But I'm feeling a little better every day, so that's good. Thanks for asking!

Hope I don't miss your shower!

Anonymous said...

Girl, can you pack anymore stuff into that 10 pound bag you got going? Wedding, gall bladder surgery, moving...all in the same month??!! your crazy. literally. But brave, daring, fun and someone to admire. Never stopping, always finding a funny note around the chaos. Someone to learn from.

I hope all things continue to roll well..the way they have been. I'm so happy for you and all that you've done as a single mom and soon to be a wife again.

happy healing to you!
