The Guy Likes Pie.

What can I say? My baby likes pie.

It's been a standard joke at our house that unless you have a pocket full of bacon or better yet -- a slice of pie -- Mark ain't gonna listen. So it should be no surprise that my goal-oriented husband has set out on a quest -- Pie Quest.

You can read about it here, where his journey begins.

Being the ever-supportive wife, I'm happy to help him fulfill Pie Quest in any way possible. I'll forgo cooking one night a week so he can add another notch to his Pie Quest bedpost. I'll even be the designated driver should he choose to indulge in several slices in one sitting. I'm just that kind of gal.

I guess we're just a couple of go-getters and goal setters.

So as I sit here and watch him whip up spreadsheets to determine an equitable Pie Quest Ranking System, I smile and offer encouragement.

It's good to have goals.

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