Back in the saddle...again. (Sigh.)

Vacation is officially over. For nearly two full weeks, we've been lucky enough to lay around in our Snuggies, eating leftover Christmas cookies and playing Boggle.

It's been heaven.

Reflecting on the last 6 months of 2009, I'd say we earned it. From health issues to weeks on end of crazy-stressful days at work, we were ready for a stress-free holiday break.

Here's what did NOT get accomplished while we napped:

  • Christmas cards did not get sent.
  • Bathroom did not get remodeled.
  • Laundry did not get done -- unless absolutely necessary, which explains why The Deuce was spotted wearing a sundress with an out-grown sweater the other day, which isn't a big deal because we didn't even leave the house that day anyway.
  • Work was left to fend for itself. (Didn't log in to check on things.)

And you know what? I don't care. Not one tiny bit. Because here's what we DID do:

  • Visited with family.
  • Played in the snow and then warmed up in front of the fire.
  • Knitted and sewed.
  • Played with new Christmas toys.
  • Baked cakes and cookies.
  • Scratched the dog's belly. A lot.
  • Saw a movie at a theater.
  • Enjoyed a quiet, romantic dinner without the kids.
  • Watched birds and deer in the yard.
  • Broke in a new pair of house slippers. (As much as you can 'break in' slippers from an easy chair.)

I can't think of a better way to end a particularly busy year, or to begin a new one.

Peace, love and naps in 2010.


mames said...

It sounds like an absolutely perfect way to spend the holiday. Except it is Jenga, not Boggle, that rocks the lay days. Well, Boggle is pretty good too.

Happy New Year to you and yours. Have a great start. :) Amiee

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a most wonderful break for you guys! I'm glad you had such a nice time, you both deserve it after the last 6 months of stress.

And the sundress thing cracked me up!

We had a quiet holiday too, but not as restful... Baby on a suicide mission continually is keeping me on my toes! :)


Jess said...

Karen - It's sad really. Babies just have no sense of self-preservation. At least kids as old as mine can pretty much fend for themselves. The big ones can make PBJ and microwave popcorn. I barely have to set down my chardonnay these days. ;)

Amiee - Jenga DOES rock, except when the small people in the house have lost most of the pieces. Then, not so much of a challenge.