
Ever have one of those weeks?

This past week totally and completely kicked my ass. From kid drama to back-to-school stuff to killer work deadlines, each night I came home, all I wanted to do was beach myself on my couch and just veg out.

My happy place.

Sadly, my parental duties prevented a well-deserved beaching. Instead I had to prepare healthy, nutritious meals (that they'd bitch and moan about), break up countless sibling squabbles, and tackle pages of math story problems.

Each night, after finally getting everyone to bed (and after going upstairs 20 more times to urge Crowbar to stay in bed), I'd collapse, realizing it was the first time I was able to sit down and relax all day.

It was just one of those weeks that felt SO DAMN LONG, but at the same time WAY TOO SHORT to get everything I needed to get done, done.

So, when Friday (yesterday) finally rolled around, I woke up both relieved (for an end to this awful week) and horrified (still needed sign off on that huge project at work).

Isn't that just the suckiest feeling?!?

It wasn't until yesterday afternoon when I clicked SEND on the email telling the printer we're good to go, I finally felt relief. I had this huge weight lifted and an it's-okay-it's-Friday-now kind of feeling washed over me.

Thankful that there'd be no 3rd grade math that night, I opted for drive-thru (much to the kids' delight) and, upon returning home, promptly hit the couch for a proper vegging.

Me, Friday at 6 p.m.

I beached myself immediately after the kids finished eating their chicken nuggets and stayed there until it was time to shuffle them off to bed at 9.

It was pure heaven.

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