Everything's better with Bacon

It's funny how people get weird nicknames from their families. For example, I know a full-grown man who goes by "Bo-Bo." These things aren't necessarily planned, they just sort of evolve.

When Mark first started hanging with us, each time he'd walk through my front door, Crowbar would run up to him and yell, "MARK!"

And every day, Mark would swoop him up in his arms and ask, "What's shakin', Bacon?" Over time, somehow he dropped formality and just would greet him with a hearty, "BACON!" I guess it just stuck.

One day, I asked Crowbar/Bacon if he had a nickname for Mark. He thought about it and decided on "Broccoli." I'm sure he picked this because broccoli is Crowbar's favorite vegetable (no shit) and he likes to make silly faces at Mark while he eats it.

I didn't think this Broccoli-thing would stick, but it did.

"Hello, Bacon. Whatcha you doin'?"

"Hi Broccoli. Nothing. What are you doing?"

"I'm watching the Cubs game. Bacon, would you like to join me?"

"Yes Broccoli." (Climbs up onto the couch.) "I'll share my blanket with you."

It was the weirdest exchange and there have been a few equally-weird conversations since. But I must say, it's been absolutely heartwarming to see the two of them grow so close.

I used to wonder and worry if I'd find a guy who would truly and deeply love my kids and not just tolerate them to be with me. The sight of Broccoli and Bacon together, sharing a blanket and watching the game, frankly, made me a little misty.

Bacon has become Mark's shadow, asking him to play Lego's and Transformers every chance he gets. And Mark doesn't mind one bit. He'll sit and play with him for hours. As the only two men in the house, they just stick together. Perhaps its a survival mechanism.

Or, maybe it's because he loves Bacon so much. And who wouldn't? Everything's better with a side of Bacon - even Broccoli.

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