Campaign promises, third-grade style

The twins are each running for student council at school. They're in different classes, so they're not running against each other (phew!) and are running only against their classmates.

They each had to write a campaign speech and design a promotional poster. I didn't influence their speeches at all and let them say exactly what they felt a student council member should do/say.

I have no doubt that some of the political ads have influenced these speeches. So, for your entertainment, here are their speakers' notes. I've kept their original spelling, for your added enjoyment and to up the cute factor.

Mad Dog's speech:

If you vote for me, you'l be free. that mene's no more secrit's and no more notes from me. So vote for me! And you can trust me.
Here's The Deuce's:

My Speach for Student Councel

if you vote for me your free! no more secrets! I will also make shure I will give you all the announcemets I'm supost to give you.
Like the presidential candidates, they steered clear of controversial topics and skirted tough issues. There was the typical campaign rhetoric - promising freedom and all - which to third graders means something entirely different than to adults.

But unlike the presidential contenders, there wasn't a speck of mud slinging, which pleases me to no end. I'm happy that my girls are at least running clean campaigns.

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