Sausage sale

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm super excited about tomorrow's big sausage sale.

I happen to be lucky enough to live near one of the Midwest's finest sausage companies. And, I've been told that every so often, they hold a big sale in their outlet store. I've never been there, but I hear the deals are incredible on overstocked items and products that didn't quite clear the quality control team's exacting standards.

That's right, they're selling sausage rejects.

Now, having not been to one of these sales before, I'm unsure what I'm going to find. I imagine there'll be packages of lumpy bratwurst, spiral-cut hams that were accidentally cut criss cross and perhaps some summer sausage that's missing the protective, paper casing.

I'm just hoping that nothing's being sold off because the big walk-in cooler was down last week.

As eager as I am to pay as low as $.50/pound for kielbasa, I'm really looking forward to an entertaining adventure. My mom told me to go early, because "people go nuts in there."

So, I'm wondering if I'll see old ladies defensively throwing elbows. Or big-bellied guys in striped Zumba pants hoarding bags of misshapen sausage sticks.

I'm hoping I can convince Mark to channel his inner 17-year old and announce loudly, "Aw man, this is a total sausage fest!" but I doubt he'll do it.

Either way, it's going to be a grand day out for the crew.

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