- Scraping ice from your honey's windshield on a cold winter morning.
- Buying his favorite ice cream - and then not devouring it yourself during a late-night chocolate bender.
- Leaving love notes under her wiper blade for her to find after a tough day's work.
- Saying, "It's not that bad, really," when eating a dinner experiment gone wrong.
- Giving his sick dog a bath -- not once, but twice -- in 3 days. (A Pomeranian with the runs is not pretty.)
- Letting her pick the next NetFlix movie.
- Rubbing her shoulders first when yours need it too.
- A random mid-day email, telling him he's cute.
- Preheating her side of the electric blanket on a cold winter night so when she crawls into bed it's already cozy and warm.
- Snow blowing the driveway before he gets home so he doesn't have to do it in the dark.
- Nodding sympathetically when she's on a crazy PMS-induced rant.
- Making his favorite meal even though it's horribly fattening and you're trying to keep your weight down.
What else? How do you say, "I love you," without words? Please share!
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