Off kilter.

I've been feeling off lately. My whole routine, the rhythm of my life has been completely and utterly off kilter for the better part of two weeks now.

Everyone has daily rituals. Everyone. And when some monkey wrench upsets the apple cart, it can take a while to get your feet back under you.

For me, it's been a combination of things:

The puppy.
As cute and lovable as she is, she's thrown my schedule for a loop. Up in the middle of the night, occupying my precious mornings, she's the main reason why I haven't been able to write regularly. I still get up early, but find myself racing to work to avoid being late because of her. And something as simple as making dinner can be a tremendous pain in the ass.

I know this high-maintenance puppy phase will end, and I don't regret getting her for one instant, but I'm ready for her -- and her teeny tiny bladder -- to grow some.

This has been the worst allergy season for me in a while. Being allergic to many varieties of trees and living on the edge of one of the biggest parks in the county has made this a tough spring. My normal remedies aren't an option and I've been checking into alternate ways to manage.

I feel like I've been walking around in a fog, unable to do much without bursting into a sneezing-wheezing fit. Feeling all stuffed up has made it hard to write -- or even identify things worth writing about. (Hence this lame post.) I'm tempted to get a Netty pot, but until then, lots of steam, fluids and Kleenex are a must until all the trees are done budding.

This clunky old computer.
Wait a minute. Is five years old for a computer? It must be. This clunky thing has given me fits of late. I can spend 20 minutes waiting for the system to come online. I know. I waited this morning.

I'm hoping to turn things around this week. My allergies have given me temporary reprieve, allowing me to emerge from the haze with a renewed sense of purpose.

Today I will turn over a new leaf and a new routine -- one that factors in long computer delays and time spent cleaning up the dog's piddles.

And if that doesn't work, hold my calls. I'll be in the shower.

1 comment:

Ryan Family said...

Any puppy breakthoughs since this post? She's so darn cute!