20 questions about the baby

I hate it when people who were otherwise interesting to talk to, get pregnant and then can find nothing else to talk about other than their pregnancy. Sure, it's an exciting time, but c'mon, you're not the first person on earth to have a baby.

These are the same people who, after the baby is born, go on an on about how you've just GOT TO come see it when, truth be told, it's a pretty boring visit.

Honestly, babies aren't remotely interesting until they hit about 3 months old, so visiting a brand new one is kind of a let down.

For one, they're kind of ugly -- often discolored and squished up -- and two, they don't do anything. They just lay there in a blob. So, you find yourself making baby small talk with sleep-deprived parents, asking questions about poop and whether breast really is best.

So, to spare you 20 different posts about my pregnancy, I'm cramming the facts into one for those of you who are interested, making it easy for those of you who are not, to just skip reading this one all together.

Here goes nothing:

When are you due? Nov. 29 - the week after Thanksgiving. (It looks like I've gotten out of hosting this year!)

Are you excited? Heck yeah!

How have you been feeling? Great. No morning sickness, no heartburn, no major symptoms. Just super tired early on, but that's gone away now.

Are the other kids excited? Yes. The girls, almost 10, are excited to baby sit and keep coming up to hug and kiss my belly. My boy, who just turned 5, can't wait to be a big brother, though, because of his poor grasp on the concept of time, keeps asking when the baby will be here.

Boy or girl? We don't know yet. And yes, we're dying to find out. Our first ultrasound was too early to tell. We get another one in a few months and will hopefully find out the sex.

Which do you want, boy or girl? Obviously any healthy baby would be great, but to be honest, I'm pulling for a boy to even things out around here. The twins (girls) don't always want their little brother hanging around. It'd be great to give little Crowbar a playmate. Plus, I'm sure Mark would like a little less estrogen running around here too.

Were you guys trying to get pregnant? We talked about it, but weren't actively trying. We wanted to wait so the baby would be born early next year. It's scary-easy for me to get pregnant, which runs in my family. My Great Grandma Hazel used to say, "It wasn't hard for me to get pregnant. All Harold had to do was toss his hat on the bed and I'd have another baby."

Are you freaked out by having four kids? Not really. Once you hit three, you've got a pack. Adding another kid or two isn't really a big deal. I grew up in a family of five kids. I'm used to noise and commotion. Plus, it's extremely chic to have a whole entourage of kids. Haven't you seen Brangelina lately? They're my idols. But I promise I won't turn all Duggar on you.

Having had three kids already, you must be all set with baby stuff, right? Wrong. After my divorce, I planned on closing the store permanently, if you know what I mean. I gave away or sold all of my baby stuff and even had a surgical consult to close up shop. So, I'm starting from square one, which is okay by me. This is a new baby with my new husband. New stuff is fine.

Okay, so that wasn't 20 questions, but I couldn't think of any more, so I'll just stop. (I'm bored already too.) If there's anything you're dying to know that I didn't cover, leave it in the comments.


Unknown said...

As you may remember, in addition to giving me a bunch of your maternity clothes, you also gave me a lot of baby boy clothes. I've managed to locate both the cardigan and nightgown that were missing from the bag of maternity clothes I sent your way (let me know when you want to meet up). I can also get your baby boy clothes back to you. Heck, since our babies will be 4.5 months apart, I can give you my baby boy clothes, too, as soon as Jr. outgrows them. (Yes - I called him Jr. No big surprise - we still have no idea what to name him. Some things never change.)

Jess said...

Kel, you're a lifesaver!

I'm so excited for you for your new baby. Teeny is going to be a great big brother.

I'll contact you directly about meeting up. Let's do it later in June after school's out and our weeknights become our own again.

Take care!!
