Los Mojitos strike again

We're full swing into pee-wee baseball season and Los Mojitos have shown some signs of improvement.

For starters, our short stop's sand castles are looking way more realistic than at the beginning of the season. The detail work on the turrets are really something, given the fact he's only got a few seconds between batters to sculpt them.

Also, our right fielder only has to leave the field to run to the bathroom once or twice a game now. He's really building some strength in that teeny tiny little bladder of his. Way to go!

Then there's our star batter. He's figured out how to fill his batter's helmet with sand and dump it on an unsuspecting teammate's head without any of the three coaches seeing. He's a stealthy little guy.

And then there's Crowbar. His sand angels on the third base line are just beautiful. Nice wide wing span, beautiful arc where his heels dig into the ground. It's really a sight to behold.

Yes sir. We're in prime shape now. Bring on the playoffs!

Los Mojitos' crack lineup: first baseman, right fielder and
right center fielder (Crowbar) eagerly anticipate the next big hitter.

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