Dream baby.

Mark and I have succeeded in making the perfect baby.

I'm dead serious.

She's five months old and has slept reliably through the night for the past six weeks.

As a veteran mom, I marvel at this kid's ability to snooze. She's totally unlike the others who would maybe clock five hours in a stretch. We're talking eight uninterrupted hours. In a row.

And it's not just her ability to sleep for long periods of time. It's the fact that she can be put to bed -- without so much as a whimper -- after having just had a nap.

I tell Mark she's an anomaly. I warn him that we're breaking several rules by letting her nap past 6 p.m. and by cooing and playing with her and then changing her diaper with a fresh, cool wipe, right before bedtime.

And that it's a mistake to play Vanilla Ice as a lullaby.

But this little peanut proves me wrong each and every time. It must be her in her genes.

For instance, take her dad: Mark is the most sound sleeper I know. When he's out, he's out. And when he sleeps, he's still. Really still. Scary still. I've even had to check him a few times at night to see if he's still breathing.

Oh, and there's also the fact that no alarm on earth can rouse him. Only the smell of fresh coffee wafting through the house and me whacking him and urging, "Mark! Your alarm!" can get him out of bed each day.

But it's not all Mark. She's got mad sleep skillz on her mom's side as well.

I, too, have a passion for sleep. It's well known at my house that I am helpless to the 45 Degree Rule. If my head drops below 45 degrees -- anywhere, at any time -- I can fall sound asleep instantly.

And if I don't get my Sunday afternoon nap I'm a crabby bitch for the whole week. The big kids know to put the TV on low and steer clear of the sofa between 2 and 4 on Sundays. If they wake me, they're screwed. And they know it. Everyone knows it.

So as we stand looking down at little Sweet Pea, watching her chest gently rise and fall with each breath, wondering about her sweet little baby dreams, Mark pulls me close and whispers in my ear,

"We made that."

I know he's talking as much about her sweet face, chubby cheeks and rosy-red lips as he is about her fondness for, and awesome ability to, saw logs.

Yessir, this baby comes from a line of sleep enthusiasts.



Ryan Family said...

J didn't sleep through the night consistently until 10 months, and nothing reliable until 16 months.

I'm trying not to be jealous of all the sleep you're getting.

Jess said...

I hope I didn't come off as bragging -- I'm really more amazed than anything.

I'm a little concerned that aside from inheriting our shared passion for sleep, Sweet Pea also may inherit our shared obsession with tiramisu.

It may become her kryptonite.