Video Taste Test: Broccoli, Pears and Peas

When I first saw Ella's Kitchen's Organic Baby Food, I laughed out loud in disbelief.

Instead of jars or tubs, this baby food (which cost double compared to the others) comes in astronaut-inspired squeeze pouches.

Specialized twist-on spoons are sold separately for $5 each (of course).

"Oh. My. Gawd." I snorted to Sweet Pea, who was riding in the cart and looking up at me with her deep blue eyes. "I've seen it all."

Then I saw the flavor combinations. Broccoli, pears and peas. Spinach, apples and rutabaga. Sweet potatoes, pumpkin, apples and blueberries.

Seriously? Rutabaga? I've never eaten a rutabaga in my life.

And tubes? How on earth do you store them? Stacked on a shelf? Stuffed in a drawer? They certainly won't fit in the nifty little baby food carousel I have at home.

"You know, it's actually pretty good," said a lady who was standing just a few steps away who had heard my snide remarks. "It's expensive, but my kid loves it. And it's great for when you're on the go."

The portability factor piqued my interest. I do hate shoving jars of baby food in the diaper bag and worrying all day that they'll clank together and break.

So, I grabbed a couple of the more curious flavor combos and away we went.

I must confess: I cheaped out and passed on the $5 spoon accessory. Honestly, I was a little embarrassed for buying overpriced, uber trendy-looking baby food in the first place. Paying extra for the little plastic spoon for a one-time taste test seemed over the top.

Ella's Kitchen's Broccoli, Pears and Peas

Ingredients: pureed fruits and vegetables (broccoli, pears and peas)

Because the packaging is so unusual, we did a video taste test. The camera shakes a bit because Sweet Pea kept kicking her feet, hitting the table. Sorry!

My take: The texture was weird (grainy), but not necessarily off-putting. The taste was actually quite impressive. All three flavors came through and complemented each other nicely. Also, I was really surprised (and pleased) that it wasn't super sweet.

The soft pouches are really clever for traveling with a baby in tow. No dishes to lug home to rinse and recycle. I'll definitely buy this for our future camping trips and our upcoming family vacation, but for everyday use... this product is just too expensive to buy all the time.

Sweet Pea's take: She definitely liked it and was eager for more. After we were done filming, she polished off the pouch. And my concern over her getting gassy? Not a problem. She ended up being fine.

The verdict: 5 bottles (out of 5) for feeding a baby on the run. From now on, I'll keep a tube or two on hand for busy days when I'll need to feed her while away from home. These soft, durable little pouches just can't be beat when it comes to portability. (But I'm still not sure if I'll buy the spoon attachment.)

Check out Ella's Kitchen's website to see other unusual flavor combinations.

Safety note: The only complaint I have (besides price) is that the cap is a total choking hazard. Seriously. Throat plug city. Keep it far, far away from your kid.


Jessica & Gurjit said...

Hi! We don't get Ella's up in here in
Canada (though my niece is crazy about the flavor combos), but we have another brand with similar packaging, and my daughter actually just sucks the food right from the package - no spoon required! Just like an astronaut :). Makes it embarrassingly easy to travel with. I'm enjoying your blog, thanks for sharing!

Jess said...

Thanks for stopping by!

Now that baby girl is a bit bigger, I'm going to have to try just handing her the tube and letting her go for it.

It'll go a long way towards multitasking.
