Cowboy Cookies a la Fitz

This has been another long week.

Work's been as busy as ever, we learned the girls need $4K worth of orthodontics (that may or may not eliminate the need for braces in their teen years) and to top it off, this morning we had to run The Deuce to Urgent Care where she was diagnosed with strep throat.

I need a cookie.

Now, not just any cookie will do. I need Cowboy Cookies a la Fitz. And I need one NOW.

Cowboy Cookies a la Fitz are the best chocolate-chip and oatmeal cookie on the face of the earth. Seriously. I should know. I know cookies.

It must be known that I'm a purist when it comes to chocolate-chip cookies. I don't like it when people try to get fancy by using white chocolate or chunks instead of chips. (Chunks are too big and hard.) Also, I become extremely cross when someone tries to sneak nuts into them. Gah!

I tried my first Cowboy Cookie a la Fitz at work one day. My girlfriend, who was married to Fitz, brought in a batch to share.

Naturally I was suspicious.

"Oatmeal?!" I screamed in my head. "Are you joking? Truly great chocolate-chip cookies don't need oatmeal!"

I took a small one -- you know, just to be polite.

Surprisingly, the minute I bit into the delicious cookie, I was in utter and complete heaven. I'd been wrong about the oatmeal.

Horribly wrong.

The presence of oatmeal was not in the least overwhelming. It actually enhanced the cookie. Together the oatmeal and chocolate chips struck a harmonious balance, neither one competing for dominance. When I found myself alone in the break room with the Tupperware of remaining cookies, I took another. And another.

That was four years ago and I haven't had one since.

Every now and then I'd think of those cookies, but each time I'd run into Mrs. Fitz (a job change precludes us from seeing each other much), I'd forget to ask for the recipe. Until now.

So, upon having another stressful week, instead of Franzia, I chose Cowboy Cookies a la Fitz.

Thank you, Fitz. You are my hero.

Cowboy Cookies a la Fitz

2 c. flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder

Mix the dry stuff and set it aside.

1 c. shortening
1 c. sugar
1 c. brown sugar

Cream them together.

2 eggs

Add the eggs to the sugar mixture and beat until fluffy and then slowly add in the dry ingredients. Mix well.

Add 1 tsp. vanilla
1 pkg. chocolate chips
2 c. oats

Add the vanilla, chips and oats into the dough. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto a greased sheet. Bake at 350 for 12 minutes. (I actually had to bake them a wee bit longer -- could've been my oven.)

Keeping Cooking Fun Rating: 5 Spatulas -- a perfect score!

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