I'm so totally glad I married this guy.

Last night, my sweetie said six words that stopped me in my tracks and made me want to jump his bones right then and there:

Thank you for unloading the dishwasher.
And, to make it even better, HE was the one who loaded and ran it in the first place.


I'm not dumb. I know what I've got. I've got a guy who won't leave crusty dishes in the sink. I've got a man who'll RINSE them off AND WASH them. And to top it off, thank me for putting HIS dishes away.

I know I'm using a lot of capitals - A LOT - but this is big. Really, it is. To date, just about all the men I've encountered in the kitchen come from the half-assed school of housekeeping.

In college, one of my guy roommates had one pot and one fork, spoon and knife -- all of which were dirty all the time. Instead of washing them after using them, he'd take them from the sink and then wash them BEFORE cooking something. Granted, by "cooking" I mean heating something dumped out of a can. Then, he'd eat his food right out of the pot, hot pad in his lap, in front of the TV.

And he wasn't the only one.

Once, while on a business trip, I returned to find my ex hadn't survived on the fully stocked fridge I'd left for him. He hadn't nuked any of the precooked meals I'd lovingly prepared. Instead, he'd subsisted entirely on cold cereal evidenced by scores of dirty bowls and spoons left all over the house. There were three in the living room, one of the night stand and even one on the back of the toilet.

My friend, Dan, once tried to help me understand how a man's mind works when it comes to housekeeping.

We know this: We get hungry. And when we're done eating something, we know we ought to clean up. But usually, on the way to the sink, we get distracted. Maybe we get sleepy. Or see something shiny. Or get hungry again. It's just the way it is.
Well I'm here to tell you, my man is living proof that they're not all apes. There are a few rare gems.

And guys... I'm going to let you in on a little secret:

Cleaning up after yourselves is a huge turn-on. HUGE. And further, complimenting or thanking us for our housekeeping/cooking/child-care skills is an enormous aphrodisiac.

I'm not lying. Try it.

I'm a very, very lucky girl.