50 things

  1. Nobody calls me Jessie - ever.
  2. I tend to swear too much.
  3. But never around kids. (Mine included.)
  4. I have 3 kids.
  5. Two of them are twins.
  6. No, it doesn't run in the family.
  7. Yes, we knew.
  8. No, no fertility drugs.
  9. In addition to his own name, my son responds to "Bacon" or "Crow Bar".
  10. He really does love bacon. (But then again, who doesn't?)
  11. He also loves broccoli. (No shit.)
  12. I'm 50% anal retentive and 50% OCD. But, I'm also pretty busy and have low standards. (Go figure.)
  13. I'm in love.
  14. With an awesome guy.
  15. We're engaged. (6/20/2009 - woo hoo!)
  16. I have an irrational fear of bugs crawling into my ears.
  17. I blame my mom and grandma, both of whom had bugs crawl into their ears.
  18. I also blame the Star Trek where they put the bug in Chekhov's ear.
  19. I drive a minivan.
  20. I hate saying those words out loud.
  21. I bought the SE (Sport Edition) trying to convince myself it was the coolest option available.
  22. I get along with my ex-husband. (Again...no shit.)
  23. I also believe you catch more flies with honey.
  24. I hate most Julia Roberts movies - except Steel Magnolias and Pretty Woman.
  25. My guilty pleasure TV show is Judge Judy. (She doesn't take any crap.)
  26. I would like to loose 15 lbs.
  27. But I really like food - a lot.
  28. I don't understand how some people can miss a meal by "forgetting to eat."
  29. I used to DVR Oprah, but stopped because she's gotten a little "high and mighty" for my taste.
  30. My mom uses phrases like "high and mighty" and "up on your high horse."
  31. Shouldn't it be "up high on your horse"?
  32. I have "twin skin" and it's kind of gross.
  33. If you don't know what "twin skin" is, look it up.
  34. I bought something on HSN one time.
  35. I was up alone at 4 a.m.
  36. I bought an indoor grill and it rocked.
  37. Except that it was really big and didn't fit in any of my cabinets.
  38. So I sold it at a garage sale.
  39. I didn't tell the lady that bought it that it probably wouldn't fit in her cabinets either because I didn't want to kill the sale.
  40. I have a gigantic family.
  41. I have 2 brothers,
  42. 1 step brother,
  43. 2 step moms,
  44. 1 step dad,
  45. and 5 step sisters.
  46. Don't even get me started on all the grandparents.
  47. The only nightmares I ever have are about tornadoes.
  48. I leave myself messages on my home and work voice mails to remember to do things.
  49. In addition to the thing I need to remember to do, I always tell myself, "You look really pretty today."
  50. And I always laugh out loud when I get the message.

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