They’re suckers for the gimmick. One time at the store, the girls begged and begged me to buy them these Fruit Gusher things. I hadn’t gotten them a treat in a while so I obliged.
When we got home, they tore the box open, sat down face to face and popped the gummy candies into their mouths. They chewed a bit, but never blinked, totally transfixed on each others’ faces.
After a few seconds…
“Hey, nothing happened!” whined Mad Dog, “On the commercial, the kid’s head turned into a giant raspberry. What a rip off!” ~ ~ ~
Last week as The Deuce was watching TV, a commercial for The Girl Crush Streak & Style Hair Studio came on.
“Mom! I HAVE TO HAVE THAT! Can you get it for me, please??”
I studied the commercial. This kiddie hair-color kit, complete with bright pink and purple "hair dyes" should actually be called The Girl Crush Look-Like-a-Hooker Studio. Knowing there's no way in hell I'd buy it, I asked if she could buy it herself with her allowance.
“It costs $29.95.”
“How much do you have?”
~ ~ ~
A few days after that, I walked into the living room to find The Deuce sitting in front of the TV with a clip board.
"Whatcha doing?"
"Making out my Christmas list."
"It's August."
"I know."
Checking out the list, I noticed several items fell into the "As Seen on TV" category, which is somewhat disturbing, though equally troubling is all of the high-end electronics (but that's fodder for another post).
Here's her list (spelling errors and all):
- girl crush streic and style
- a camra
- a lap top
- a cell phone
- pixos
- a tigir bild-a-bear with cute cloths
- hana montana hevey covers, pilows, posters and lamp and cloths
- a DS with some DS games
- Wii with Sonic at the Olypix games
- a hot tub
- a cable box with a plasma scrin TV and a ramote and recording stuff
- pankak puffs pan with pankak flipping stix
To be perfectly honest, I seriously considered buying it for a half a second. I guess I'm a sucker for a gimmick too.
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