My Crack

I have very few vices. I have never smoked or done drugs and drink only moderately. While my vices are few, I seem to have several addictions. These are things I simply can't live without.

I call these items/rituals, "My Crack".

#1 Coffeemate Hazelnut creamer (fat free)

I go through way too much of this non-dairy, synthetically smooth creamer than can possibly be good for me. Even though it's fat free, I go through so much of it, that on the few occasions that I've gone without for more than a week, I've instantly dropped 5 lbs. I've now decided that the extra poundage is totally worth it.

#2 Real Simple Magazine

I believe that my addiction to Real Simple has a psychological explanation. In crazy times, we struggle to control our environment. And for sickos like me, you want your out-of-control life to be tidy and lemon scented.

#3 & 4 Journals and pens

I am the master of writing to-do lists and as such, demand proper writing implements. I love writing journals and good pens.

Even though I have scores of journals, I ALWAYS stop in the stationery aisle to browse. I'm ridiculously picky about the cover design, spacing of the lines and overall size of the journal. It takes me WAY TOO LONG to pick one out.

I'm super picky about pens, but my thriftiness (okay, I'm really cheap) prevents me from spending more than $3 per pen. It's kind of like how I am with sunglasses. I like them and they're important to me, but they're ultimately a disposable resource. I have lost too many expensive pens to continue buying more.

It could just be sour grapes, but I honestly think that the cheap old Write Bros. ballpoints are the smoothest, darkest, best pens around.

I believe we all have addictions. These funny, quirky little things are what makes us who we are and without them, our lives are somehow incomplete.

What's yours? Do you dare to share?

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