My story

In a nutshell, I'm a storyteller.

I always have a weird/funny story to share about me and my kids and routinely keep my friends and family rolling. Often my stories end with the recipient asking, "Seriously?"

Seriously. I couldn't make up this stuff.

As a divorced, single mom to 8 year-old twin girls and a 3 1/2 year-old boy who's about to get married to Mr. Wonderful, I'm just full of material.

People always say, "I hope you're writing this down." And I am. Here. On this blog.

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In case you're looking for more, here's my background story. I'll try to spare you details and just give you highlights:

I grew up in the Midwest in a huge family. My parents are divorced and remarried to wonderful people. My view on divorce isn't sad or tragic. Instead it's been very positive. My parents' marriage wasn't a happy one, so when I saw each of them fall in love again, I was thrilled.

Ours was a noisy, boisterous household where if you didn't speak up (or hide your pack of Pop Tarts under the kitchen sink ASAP), you'd be out of luck. As one of five kids, it was a bit of a survival of the fittest household. As a result, I've become resourceful, plucky and quick. I think fast and move fast. I'm a doer. If something needs to be done -- anything -- I roll up my sleeves and do it.

One of my past bosses told me I had "moxie," which to me, is a huge compliment.

After graduating college with a Mass Communication major and an English minor, I got married and immediately found myself pregnant with twins. Five years later, we welcomed our son. A few months after the baby was born and after 6 years of marriage, my husband left. He was suffering from depression and literally checked out of our marriage, our home and our life.

After the initial blow, I focused on piecing together a whole new life as a single mom. I'm a list maker, so I sat down with pen and paper and drew up a plan:

  1. Find a new job where I...
    • Won't have to travel.
    • Earn more money.
    • Have a good work/home balance.
  2. Find a new home near good schools, where the kids can run, play and ride bikes.
  3. Focus on taking care of myself.

I'm immensely proud to have checked off each item one by one. I cried for joy when I got the checkbook for my new, post-marriage bank account.

So, after nearly three years of being a successful, single mom, I met and fell in love with Mark. I never thought someone would love me (damaged goods) and my kids (baggage) again. But I was wrong. Mark has a big heart. He loves us because we're who we are. Every day since meeting Mark has been a gift. We're getting married next June.

Careerwise, I have always worked full time in the marketing/communications field. I have been fortunate to find a profession I love that allows me to do what I enjoy most: writing. It's been two years since I changed jobs and every day I'm thankful I did. My new employer is wonderful and my new boss is a dream. I work hard and am rewarded well for it. I'm very, very thankful.

Managing a demanding job and a busy home life has its tough times, but I think I'm doing pretty well. I believe in being the best-possible role model I can be. I want to teach my kids the value of good, honest hard work. I want to show them how to enjoy life's little treasures, instead of focusing on superficial, unnecessary fluff. And now, I'm going to show them what a wonderful, warm marriage is like.

So... that's where we're at. Mark and I have recently moved in together to save money for the wedding and a house. We've got 2 adults, 3 kids, 1 dog, 1 gerbil and 3 fish crammed into a 3-bedroom townhouse. (Not to mention a whole house's worth of furniture in storage.) This is going to give me even more material, I'm sure.

If I had to describe my life right now at this moment, I'd say it's "full." We're full of love and full of laughter.

Life is good. Seriously.

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