Tool belt love.

I try hard to not draw comparisons between Mark and my ex, but in this case, I just can't help it.

My ex is not a handy guy. He had a toolbox and a drill, but they only saw the light of day when I used them. He had no knowledge of how to fix things and he had no ambition to learn. And if something broke, he suggested we call someone to fix it.

In his defense, the guy had no role model in this regard. His dad wasn't a handy guy, so it's no surprise than neither of his brothers are either. Instead, his dad was the ultimate televised sports guy. He passed on a passion for college football and PGA programming that is unparalleled. And sadly for me, this is not a skill/interest that I find all that useful.

I, on the other hand, grew up with a dad who is quite mechanically inclined. A carpenter by trade, my dad let me watch him work and he often let me help. Because of him, I gained the confidence to try my hand at a variety of home improvement projects. And I'm proud to say that I installed a flood light once without electrocuting myself. Never mind the fact that I have to say, righty-tighty, lefty-loosey while I work.

Like my dad, Mark has an interest in, and a knack for fixing things. He's got the perfect combination of skill, patience and ingenuity. There've been quite a few times when I've stood by in awe as he's gone from task to task, repairing a bathroom fan, fixing a leaky sink and just yesterday, snaking a drain. And I've got to confess...

It's pretty hot.

Seriously, I find a handy guy in a tool belt to be a bigger turn-on than all the wine and roses in the world.

And I think what seals it for me is how he works. Mark's calm and steady. I've never seen him get pissed or throw a fit if something didn't work right. When something doesn't go to plan, he gets more focused. He uses his brain and his brawn - a skill that many young tradesmen take years to master.

So, moving day when we opened his door garage to reveal loads and loads of tools, there were some groans. His garage was full of big-ass toolboxes, saw horses and power tools. There was a lot to move and it was awkward and heavy to maneuver.

Did I complain? Hell no. Seeing that garage full of tools was probably the biggest turn-on I've had in years.

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