Crowbar's new Christmas tradition.

The other night at dinner, Crowbar turned to me and unexpectedly asked,

"What do you want for Christmas, Mama?"

He took be off guard because:
  1. We weren't even discussing Christmas, and
  2. When we are, the topic is usually dominated by what the kids want.

When the girls first started asking me what I wanted for Christmas, I told them nail polish. Knowing my mom would be the one to take them shopping, I tried to come up with something small and inexpensive. And something they could also pick out special for me.

So, for the past several years, the girls have gotten me my special Christmas nail polish. The collection I've amassed is pretty, uh, bright. I've got several shades of hot pink and various hues of red. One of my favorites is a funky purple -a bold selection I wouldn't have picked for myself, but have grown to absolutely love.

I wear these shades proudly on my toenails - not because I'm embarrassed to wear them on my fingers, but only because I'm too hard on my hands and the paint job wouldn't last a day. It's become a sweet tradition that we all look forward to each year.

I looked at Crowbar with his sweet, smiling face. He needed a special gift tradition too.

"I'd like a new mug for my coffee."

"A special mug," he repeated, making a mental note. "Just for you."

"Yep. A special mug. From you."

He smiled a big, contented smile. I'm excited to see what he picks out.

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