The Deuce is All Write.

The other day as I picked up the girls from school, The Deuce ran up to me, grabbed my arm and begged me to take her straight to Office Max.

"Please, please Mom! We've just got to go!"

Okay, so this was new. None of the kids have ever asked me to go there before.


"I just have to get this thing. It's made out of paper - bright yellow - and has this flap that folds over and there are these kinda pointy, prongy things that you can fold down."

She was talking at light speed.

"My teacher has one and I asked her where she got it and she said, 'Office Max,' so can we go there now, please?"

"Why do you need it?" I asked.

"I need it to keep organized," she said. "I'm going to keep track of all the foods I've eaten and put them into groups of four. Then, when I eat a new food, I'll write it down on a little card and put it inside."

"What are the four groups?"

"I don't know yet."

Despite her non-stop pleas the whole ride home, I was still a little unsure of what she was trying to describe. She had such high expectations for this "thing." I asked her to draw me a picture.

Yeah. It was a manila envelope.

Coincidentally, her parent-teacher conference was the next morning. I didn't get past the opening handshake before her teacher apologized.

"I'm so sorry," she began. "About the envelope. Your daughter saw mine and was completely obsessed. She wouldn't stop asking me about it. She really got herself worked up."

You know, I really shouldn't be surprised. In this case, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I'm totally obsessed with paper products myself. I could spend all day in the a paper store, perusing the shelves for interesting note cards, stationery and planners. And, my love of organizational gadgets and filing systems is downright orgasmic.

I decided we could hold off on the Office Max visit. I figure I'll wait and see if the novelty of the envelope will wear off. The kid's got the attention span of a sparrow.

Besides, I'm afraid of how much damage the two of us could do in there.

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