An early Christmas miracle.

Last night, we had our first-ever, holiday tree trimming party. We snacked on appetizers and Christmas cookies. The Egg Noggers drank some nog and the Non-Noggers (like me) sipped hot apple cider. We sang and danced to holiday music while we assembled and decorated the tree. And when we were finished, we watched A Christmas Story.

It was a wonderful night.

And you know what? It almost didn't happen. You see, the kids have had a bad case of the naughties the past couple of days. And because of it, I was filled with mild trepidation at the thought of the whole thing. I told Mark I was worried that the kids would misbehave and we'd spend the evening reprimanding and punishing, and not having a single bit of fun.

I had visions of Mad Dog and The Deuce pushing and shoving each other, trying to get at the tree. I could picture little Crowbar crying because he couldn't hang this or that. And I could imagine how tired and frustrated I'd feel after getting the whole mess cleaned up and the kids off to bed.

I told Mark my concerns. I told him I didn't want to get my hopes and expectations up to have them ruined by the naughties. I was worried that we'd put on this big spread and it'd just end up being a waste.

He gently assured me that even if the naughties showed up, I wouldn't be facing them alone, that he'd be there to help.

"This is our holiday," he said. "You're not in this alone anymore. So what if the kids act up? We'll put them to bed early and crack a bottle of wine."

His relaxed attitude eased my fears and we went ahead with the party. And, amazingly enough, the naughties stayed away. There wasn't a single fight or argument the whole time. Instead, the house was filled with laughter and holiday cheer.

At the end of the night, the kids skipped off to bed, willingly, and at their usual time. And that bottle of red is still untapped. Maybe we'll uncork it tonight - to celebrate that Christmas miracles do happen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GREAT memory!!! Does Mark have a brother???