Weekend roundup.

What a weekend. It wasn't the over-booked on the go-go-go kind, but the stay at home and work-you-ass-off variety. I felt like I barely sat down.

Even though I got a ton done, it was just one of those weekends where you feel like as you're cleaning one room, someone's trashing another -- common with kids in the house. So, when I stopped mid-day yesterday to survey my progress, it looked like I'd barely made a dent.

But, looking at my to do list (almost all crossed off) this morning, I feel pretty good about it. For your viewing enjoyment, here's a photo recap of the weekend.

Remember when I told you Mark's a handy guy? He installed two shelves for me in the kitchen this weekend.

He told me, "I'll hang 'em and you can decorate 'em."

My garden was dismal this year, but I did manage to grow one, little red pepper and a handful of cherry tomatoes. We ate my pepper last night, diced on a salad. (Yeah, it was that small.)

Science project time! We made a 3D model of a marigold, complete with roots, pistil and stamen.

The flower is made of painted coffee filters, wire, green electrical tape, a handle from a brown paper bag and Q-tips.

We're still working on the pollinator. It's going to be a paper mache bee. Right now, it just looks kinda wrong.

I'm actually pretty proud of the science project. So much so, I think I may start a side business helping kids make them. I'll get Mark started on a display shelf!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you told us what the Pollinator was ... I was worried there for a minute ... ;)