The newest addition to our family.
In this house, the kitchen is MY room. I spend almost all my waking hours there, preparing meals and folding laundry. And I can't stand it when it's messy. So that means I washed dishes every single day to keep it clean. And that, my friends, has taken a toll on me.
There were times when I didn't think I'd make it another day. In fact, just last Tuesday, when we were promised installation the following Thursday, I had a near breakdown:
I just can't do it. I can't wash dishes tonight. We've got to go out. Don't make me stand at that sink tonight!
Lucky for me it was Kids Eat Their Height Night at our favorite restaurant and we could spare the $1.57 it'd cost to feed the kids. (Plus the pint of Blue Moon it'd cost to calm my nerves.)
But that's all behind me now. Hilde (yes, I named it) is in charge of washing the dishes now, leaving me to better enjoy preparing meals.
And last night, as I lay in bed, I was lulled to sleep by her gentle whooshing sound. As she worked, I dreamt of leisurely evenings spent reading to my kids instead of standing at the sink. And nail polish - thousands of different shades - that I'd be able to start wearing again.
Pure bliss.
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