I'm glad it's not you either.

People say the dumbest things.

When I was pregnant with the girls, when someone would find out I was carrying twins, inevitably I'd hear surprised (and often uncensored) responses. The one I heard the most often, that bothered me the most, went along the lines of:

"Holy shit. I'm glad it's not me."

Seriously. I heard it all the time, in varying forms.

"I could never do that."
"Are you freaking out? No way I could handle more than one kid at a time."
"I'd go crazy for sure."

Every time I'd get a reaction like that, I'd be polite and smile, but think to myself, "Yeah, we all should be glad it's not you, jackass."

Well, dumb people are at it again. This time, it happened when I told a co-worker I'm expecting my fourth child. I was met with that familiar look of shock, surprise and overwhelm. Without a second's hesitation, she responded,

"Holy shit. I'm glad it's not me."

I responded to her the same way I did all those years ago. I was perfectly pleasant on the outside, but inside, I want to grab and shake her.

Back when I was expecting the twins, that particular response really bothered me. I know it was because I really was freaked out and overwhelmed at the prospect. I needed a supportive, encouraging response -- not one that cast doubt on a person's ability to manage.

So when people would drop the line, I'd smile, but walk away wondering and worrying if I was up to the challenge.

But now, things are different.

With three kids in tow, the prospect of having another and expanding my family doesn't worry me in the least. I'm not overwhelmed or freaked out. I'm genuinely excited about the baby. I don't doubt my ability to handle another mouth to feed, or butt to swat.

Maybe it's because I really enjoy being a mom. I like my kids. Sure I have moments where the responsibility and work can get overwhelming, but I let the moment pass, pick myself up and move on.

I'm sure ten years of experience have something to do with it. I've spent a decade juggling a full-time job, housework and parenting -- several years of it on my own -- and have emerged more confident and sure of myself than ever before.

So when I think of adding another baby to our bustling 3-kid, 2-dog, 1-fish household, I say:

Bring it the fuck on.

And too bad for the next sorry sap who tells me, "Four kids? I'd have to kill myself," because I just might be the one to help them pull the trigger.


mames said...

I am one of 8 and when people find out they look at me as If I grew another head... Then ask about the religious leanings of the family. I think happy families make more live...and you are right. Those poorly spoken folks should never be blessed with twins or four. Glad you are feeling so great in all roles.

Jess said...

I love our little/big posse. Sure, it can be a drag when you're at a store with everyone, trying to pick out tile, but it's a blast when you're all piled on one another, watching movies.

Suburban Kamikaze said...

That just shows how little they understand about children. It's not the fourth one that ties you to the treadmill. It's the first.