I've never worked in advertising, but I know a thing or two about marketing and I was surprised to see this in the cereal aisle at the grocery store:

How on earth would any ad agency even think of pitching the name Muffing Tops for a high-fat, high-sugar breakfast food. I mean, what self-respecting mom would buy that?

As a mom who's always trying to cram healthy foods (sometimes in sneaky ways) down my kids' gullets, I cannot fathom how anyone thinks naming cereal after this would actually increase sales. It's a wonder the pitch made it out of the creative department, really it is.

Unless, of course...

...they're banking on the fact that moms like me will find this product name totally hilarious and buy it simply for the photo op and to blog about it.

Mission accomplished, ad agency.



Ryan Family said...

"Everyone knows the most delicious part of the muffin is the top.

My muffin top is all that.
Whole-grain, low-fat.
I know you wanna piece of that,
But I'm just here to dance."

-Jenna Maroney, 30 Rock


Jess said...


Glad to see my badgering you about watching 30 Rock is paying off.