Yeah, I'm gonna pass on the DIY home birth. And I don't care how many YouTube videos make it look easy.

Mark and I are do-it-yourselfers.

We're the type of people who would prefer to NOT pay someone else to do a job that we're capable of doing ourselves. And the list of jobs we're willing to tackle, aided by eHow, YouTube and the DIY Network, is pretty long.

However, we're in solemn agreement on one job we absolutely refuse to attempt or delegate to anyone who's not a professional and that is to deliver this baby.

I'm reading a lot about people who prefer home births and doulas over hospitals and doctors and, while thank God we have choices, I can't wrap my head around why anyone would avoid a hospital when it comes to having a kid.


I'm willing to fumble around and tinker my way through a home-improvement project, but when it comes to babies, blood and pain, I'm willing to spend the extra cash to involve medical professionals.

Meds free. Under water. Hypnobirthing. To me, this is insanity. Give me drugs and a board-certified OB-GYN in a hospital equipped with a state-of-the-art NICU, please.

I'm 1,000% sure a hospital birth with a team of trained professionals beats trying to do it at home, in my bathtub. (Have you seen the soap-scum ring in there?!?)

And while Mark's a very handy guy, I just can't thrust that kind of responsibility on his shoulders. He's totally capable of watching This Old House and then installing new replacement windows, but to force him through a marathon of A Baby Story and then expect him to deliver our own kid is a bit of a stretch.

Plus, we've got home-improvement projects that are a little, shall we say, stalled out (hello, parts of my kitchen have no counter tops!). Do I really want him to leave while the baby's crowning to run out to Walgreens (or God forbid, Menards) to get something we need for the delivery but don't have on hand?

Uh, that'd be a big negatory.

Yeah, we're handy, resourceful -- and quite thrifty, but we're not stupid. We know our limitations.

Hospital = good.
Pain meds = good.
Birth handled by trained medical professionals = good.

I'd like this baby to come into the world in a cold, sterile hospital vs. my warm, cozy bed. I prefer it. This is less about my comfort and more about the baby's safety.

And the fact that there's enough dog hair on my comforter to knit another dog.

Cleaning the house when the contractions begin = not good.

1 comment:

Ryan Family said...

As I said, this reminded me of a Dwight quote. However, I think he would choose the DIY route.

"Why tip someone for a job I'm capable of doing myself? I can deliver food. I can drive a taxi. I can, and do, cut my own hair. I did however, tip my urologist, because I am unable to pulverize my own kidney stones."