This Just In...

A few weeks ago as we were getting ready for school, Crowbar asked if he could wear a suit.

Seeing as this was an odd fashion choice for a five-year old, I asked why he wanted to get so dressed up.

"It's my turn to do the weather," he said. "During Circle Time, a kid gets to give the weather report and it's my turn."

Wanting to dress like the weathermen on TV, Crowbar asked if we had a suit and tie he could wear. Thankfully, I had some hand-me downs that'd do just the trick.

The result was a three-day span where Crowbar was the epitome of high fashion. The first day was his actual weather report day. The second and third... he just wanted to look good.

Day 1: Lookin' good in that sport coat.

Day 2: Reviewing his notes before heading out for the day.

(We're in the midst of a kitchen remodel, hence the crazy cabinets and mismatched drawer fronts.)

Day 3: Stay classy!

When Crowbar came home the first day, I asked what his teacher thought of his fancy duds. He said:

"My teacher didn't say anything, but the lunch ladies all said I looked great!"


Ryan Family said...

Ha ha ha! Too funny!
I think Day Two is my favorite -- he has the "Can't you see I'm busy here?" look. :)

Jess said...

He's clearly all business.

Last Friday, his school hosted a movie night in the gym. (Kids sack out with blankets and pillows and they play a movie.) He told me he wanted to dress up -- "like a guy on a date."