Mad Dog's wishes.

Though my twins are nearly identical in appearance, they couldn't be more different in terms of personality.

Mad Dog is carefree and unscripted. The Deuce is extremely Type A.

For me, watching The Deuce is like looking in a mirror. She reminds me of me when I was her age -- and to be perfectly honest, sometimes it makes me cringe a little. She's a deep thinker and a worrier. I wish I could get her to lighten up a little.

Mad Dog, on the other hand, embodies much of the girl wish I was. She's confident and independent. And with confidence, comes a sure hand.

I don't believe I've ever seen her second guess herself.

Mad Dog brought home a school project a few weeks ago that sums her up perfectly. The assignment was to create a 3D shamrock and on each of the four pages write a wish.

If it would've been The Deuce or me doing the assignment, our wishes would've been similar. Something like:
  • I wish I could draw better.
  • I wish I had my own room.
  • I wish fractions were easy for me.
  • I wish I had curly hair.

Our wishes most likely would've reflected a desire to further improve a skill or characteristic. They would've somehow focused in on a perceived flaw that needs correcting. Our wishes would've been opportunities for self-improvement.

But not Mad Dog.

Her wishes don't reveal insecurity. Her wishes reveal a girl with purpose:

Mad Dog's wishes are:

  • I want to have super powers.
  • I wish I was rich.
  • I wish I could read minds.
  • I wish everything was like Star Wars.

I have a new wish: I wish I had a little more Mad Dog in me.


Ryan Family said...

Too funny! I love Mad Dog's wishes, especially the Star Wars one.
Maybe your family needs to have a giant light saber battle? (please do it in a public park so I can hide and watch)

Jess said...

Hey, Meg! Check this out:

We should start one here!!