Seriously Skinny

Imagine my surprise when, after taping a video segment at work, I saw Jabba the Hutt on the screen instead of me. It was at that point I knew I needed to drop the ice cream bar and pick up an apple. The following documents my weight-loss journey.

I’m not making changes that are drastic or unsustainable. Instead, I’m making smaller lifestyle changes that I hope to be long lasting. So for that reason, I’m keeping my expectations realistic. My goal is 15 lbs. with a BMI of 22.


Monday, Nov. 17
152 pounds
+ 2 pounds.

To date, my weight loss venture has been disastrous. I just can’t get into the groove. First it was that my whole routine has been upset since the move and then it was a super busy work schedule, off site, meaning I ate out nearly every day, instead of taking my lunch.

Frankly, it’s a miracle I only gained the two pounds.

Despite good intentions, I didn’t use my new journaling process. I think it still has value – seeing every day of the week at once.

This week I commit to getting back with the program. I WILL journal and I WILL lose weight. I went to the grocery store yesterday and stocked up on healthy options so at least I’m armed with the right ammo.

~ ~ ~

Monday, Nov. 3
150 pounds
Back to starting weight.

Me, channeling Aerosmith: I’m baaaack. I’m baaack in the saddle again. I’m baaack.

Now that the dust has mostly settled since the move and all of us have settled into some semblance of normalcy (ha!), I’m ready to regroup and focus on my weight.

I have decided a new approach with my journaling. Instead of a little notebook that you see one day at a time, I’m using a spreadsheet that will allow me to see a whole week’s worth of entries at one time.

Reason is, I have a serious condition known as “diet amnesia.” If I eat something unhealthy early in the week, I’ve totally forgotten about it come Friday.

I was first alerted to my condition by a co-worker last week. I told him about a funny story at Qdoba at the mall across the street where when the clerk asked the couple in front of me if their orders were together or separate. The guy said, “together,” but the girl said, “separate,” and they got into a huge fight about who owed who money. It was pretty funny. But instead of laughing, he asked,

“Didn’t you have Qdoba on Monday?”

“Yeah. I like Qdoba.”

That's why you’re not losing weight.”

Ouch. The truth hurts. I’d totally not even realized I’d made a huge diet faux pas by eating there twice in one week. I’d totally forgotten about the first trip.

Hopefully this new journal strategy will be my cure.

~ ~ ~

Monday, Oct. 27
151.5 pounds (+ 1.5)
Again, no change since last weigh-in.

I am the luckiest girl in the world. As you can tell, my whole new weight-loss program has been chucked to the wayside as things have been a wee bit hectic around here. I consider myself very fortunate to have not skyrocketed into the 160’s.

We’ve got only a week in since the move-in and are still all trying to find our new routines. I think once things settle down, I’ll be able to better focus.

~ ~ ~

Monday, Oct. 20
151.5 pounds (+ 1.5)
No change since last weigh-in.

It is by the grace of God that I didn’t gain any more this weekend. Moving day breakfast was 2 or 3 donuts (I dunno, I lost count), followed up by a general disregard for what entered my mouth next. I suppose successfully avoiding fast food all weekend probably helped though.

~ ~ ~

Friday, Oct. 17
151.5 pounds (+ 1.5)

I’m slowly whittling back down, but must confess, this week’s been so hectic with kids and move stuff that I haven’t even paid much attention to my weight. A few more changes I’ve made is to bring a lunch to work more, resisting the urge to escape over to the local mall too much for the food court. (It’s right across the street from my office.) I did go, but ordered a Subway sub without mayo, which was better than the gooey, cheesy alternatives over there.

~ ~ ~

Monday, Oct. 13
153.5 pounds (+ 3.5)

This is obviously not the direction I want to go. I blame this increase on an emotional weekend. The plan is to pick myself up, brush off, and work harder.

~ ~ ~

Saturday, Oct. 11
150.0 pounds (easy come, easy go)

I’m going to spare everyone this painful daily roller coaster and do my weigh ins twice a week: Mondays and Fridays. I figure I need the Monday reading to stay motivated through the week, and the Friday one as a boost through the weekend.

~ ~ ~

Friday, Oct. 10
148.0 pounds (-2)

After 5 days in, I'm down 2 pounds. Here's what I've been doing:

  • Slow down when eating dinner. This one's a little trickier. As the kids still poke their way through a meal, I find myself eating faster, trying to will them to eat faster. As a result, I usually eat more than I should. This week, I've worked hard to slow down and enjoy the meal.
  • Cut down on sweets/baked goods. Think you could pass up on "Free Root Beer Float Day" at work? I did and I'm really proud. I like root beer floats and all, but I'm not ga-ga over them. Not like my true love, ice cream crunch bars. I held out all day and rewarded myself with that one treat.
  • Significantly increase my water intake and have cut back on fatty/processed foods. I've even managed to cut down on my beloved coffee creamer.
  • Better breakfasts. I’m also happy to report that I’ve alternated cold cereal and oatmeal for breakfast and haven’t had any of the delicious jumbo muffins from the cafeteria all week.
  • Exercise. I’m still struggling with integrating exercise. I think I just need to make it a real priority and walk during the day at work. There’s just no way I can fit it in at home during the week.

One of the nuggets I'm taking away from the French Women Don't Get Fat book, is that if you feel deprived, you won't be able to sustain any sort of weight loss. So, I'm trying to make my changes gradual, so I still feel satisfied.

~ ~ ~

Thursday, Oct. 9
149.5 pounds (-.5)

Told ya I wasn't worried.

~ ~ ~

Wednesday, Oct. 8
151.5 pounds (+1.5)

Okay, you're probably freaking out, but I'm not. Honest.

We went out to dinner last night (Kids Eat Free Tuesday, Yo!) and I indulged in a steak sandwich and dessert. So, I know this extra 1.5 is from that. Also, all my other choices yesterday were good, scratch that - GREAT, so I'm really not feeling too guilty. I'll continue to make good choices today and we'll be all good.

I'm proud to report that I got in 20 minutes of brisk walking yesterday. I went to meet a friend for lunch and walked to meet her instead of driving. (Yay, me!) And, at lunch, I ordered wisely - lentil soup and a salad. Also, I've cut down on my beloved creamer and Diet Coke and am drinking more water.

I'm also keeping a food/exercise journal, but I'm approaching it differently than before. I've never journaled while making subtle, sustainable changes. I've only ever journaled at the onset of a somewhat drastic diet. For that reason, my past journals have felt burdensome.

I hope to also use this journal to identify trends in my eating/exercise. For example, I know last night's indulgence was a "reward" to me for a challenging day's work. We got in the car and I announced to Mark,

"I had a good day. I worked really hard and I do not feel like working hard in the kitchen tonight. Let's go out."

To that, Mark responded, "Woo hoo! Baker's Square! The kids can eat free and I can get pie!"

And I agreed. Some day, I hope to bypass my own big slice of carmel apple. Or at least not lick the plate when I'm through.

~ ~ ~

Okay, Blogger, what the heck? The original page disappeared when I went to udpate it! Ugh!

Tuesday, Oct. 7
150.0 pounds (no change)

~ ~ ~

Monday, Oct. 6
150.0 pounds (no change)

Started recording what I eat and how much water I drink. I also went to the library to get some new ideas and motivation. As a result, I started reading French Women Don't Get Fat by Mireille Guiliano. I picked it up mostly for fun. I remember seeing a segment on the Today Show about it when it first came out.

The book says that in general, French women do not like extremes. They don't eat to excess and they don't work out to excessively either. Their approach to life is all about balance and moderation, which isn't exactly typical of the average American.We Americans do things with gusto, including eating and extreme dieting.

French women don't diet. Instead they live lifestyles of balance, never depriving themselves of good wine or chocolate. And, the French slow down and savor what they're eating. They cook with bold flavors and reserve their calories for the very best culinary delights. Americans are about filling the tank as quickly and inexpensively as possible.

Here's an example: An American woman may eat a big, old Snickers candy bar (or two), but a French woman wouldn't waste her time/calories on it. She'd hold out for a sliver of the best, dark chocolate instead.At any rate, it's cleverly written and I'm finding tips I can use.

~ ~ ~

Sunday, Oct. 5
150.0 pounds

Okay, I'm officially doing this. I'm taking you along on my journey to a healthier life.

I promise I won't get obnoxious. Personally, I hate it when people obsess over each and every little calorie and gram. And I vow to not do anything stupid, drastic or that can't be easily maintained. No crazy detox potions, no cabbage soup, no powdered drinks.

I'm simply going to make better food choices and integrate exercise into my day. That's all.

I did a little research to find my ideal weight range. I've 35 years old and 5 1/2 feet tall. These people told me I should weigh 132 lbs., these guys tell me I should weigh about 125 and according to here, I should be between 114-144.

Hmm. A lot of different answers.

So, I decided to check on body mass index and back into a healthy weight that way. My weight/height gave consistent BMI results: 25. Healthy BMI for my age is between 18.5 and 25. This tells me I'm still within a healthy range, but I'm at the tippy top of it. I'd rather be somewhere in the middle.A 15 lb. weight loss will give me a BMI of 22. So that's what I'm shooting for.

You can chart my progress with me via the Seriously Skinny link on the right-hand side of the screen. Encouragement and useful tips will be much appreciated.


Anonymous said...

EJ's original comment (that got blown away somehow):

No comment on the weight thing but I had to comment on the American extreme. My fave interpretation of American style is "if it doesn't hurt afterwards, you didn't do it right.

Ryan Family said...

Those cafeteria muffins are deadly! I love the bran ones. The name makes you think "healthy" but I'm not fooled. What's your fave flavor?

I've never been a big Crunch bar fan. But Kopp's is just 4 blocks away--a turtle sundae with turtle flavor is my downfall. That, and creme brulee. :P