Life lessons.

About a week ago, The Deuce asked:

"Mom, who are you going to vote for?"

"Mr. Obama," I said.

"Dad's voting for McCain," she responded, watching me closely for my reaction.

"That's okay. He can vote for whoever he wants. That's what's so great about our country. Each person gets to give their opinion."

Never pass up an opportunity to teach your kids to appreciate our democratic process and, equally important, to be respectful of other people's opinions.

(Even your ex-husband's.)


Ryan Family said...

I think the news media makes a big deal about voting, but I agree that once the ballots are counted, respect is what matters in the end.

Dan's little bro (from Big Brothers/Sisters) was over at our house last night and asked why we are even watching the results since everyone knows who's going to win. (It sounds innocent, but he has a 6th grader's attitude :)

We reminded him that it doesn't matter what the TV pundits say. Everyone is waiting for the real results because that's all the matters. I hope he understands the importance and the public's excitement about voting.

Jess said...

The TV ads, etc. have my kids walking around the house saying,

"I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message."

At first it was funny. Now it's annoying.