Wow-wee, it sure is dusty around here.

Yikes. It's been over a month since my last post.

The only other time that happened, I was in the hospital with a feeding tube jammed in my arm. Luckily my absence isn't because of anything like that.

It's been a combination of reasons really.

First off, that adoreable little puppy turned this place upside down for a while. For an incredibly smart dog (she can sit, stay, fetch and shake), for the longest time, that pooch couldn't figure out where the hell to pee.

So, from the time I'd wake up to the time I'd go to bed, I had to watch her like a hawk, waiting for her to show a sign that she was about to relieve herself.

We kept her confined to one room (not the office), so my blogging, email and Facebook time has been seriously compromised. I'm pleased to report that she is now fully housebroken. Hallelujah.

So there's that.

Then, I began feeling "off kilter." I was exhausted all the time and as soon as the kids would go to bed, so would I. And I'd sleep to the very last possible minute before getting up in the morning. Plus, after work, I'd give the kids instructions to wake me in 20 minutes so I could get in a quick nap before making dinner. I was in a perpetual fog -- sleepy all the time. I neglected housework, laundry and writing.

I chalked it up to seasonal allergies, but then, when I realized my period was late and I peed on a little plastic stick, I discovered the real reason for my energy drain:

I'm pregnant.

Yeah, you read right. Pregnant. Preggo. PG. With child. Knocked up. Bun in the oven.

And if you're trying to quickly do the math, let me help: That'll be 4 kids and 2 dogs.

Seriously, I'm so excited I can barely stand it. We're due around Thanksgiving and everyone -- especially the kids -- are a-buzz.

I finally emerged from my fog with renewed energy. (Thank God.) And am happy to report that I've skated through the first trimester morning-sickness free (again, Thank God.) and I've been feeling really good.

I hope to get back into a regular habit of writing. There's so much to share:

Mark and I are putting in long, sweaty hours converting our yard from a HGTV "before" picture to one that's worthy of an "after" shot. We put in a garden, planted grass in all the big, dead patches (who were these previous owners? The Addams' Family?!) and have started to put in flower beds. (I haven't taken pictures for a while either, and need to get some of the yard.)

Plus, Crowbar is in pee-wee baseball, which is the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. Every time someone manages to get a hit, it's like a keystone cops movie.

Mark's one of the coaches -- and do they ever have their work cut out for them. Not only are they teaching these kids the fundamentals of the game, they're also constantly instructing the boys to:

Stand up!
Put your glove on!
Stop building dirt castles!
Keep your hands to yourself!
Don't throw dirt!

The field is so dusty, the boys can't resist scooting their feet as they run, kicking up enormous Pig-Pen-like dust clouds that waft into the bleachers, causing the spectators to choke and sneeze.

Plus, my favorite part: My boy's team isn't sponsored by A&W's, Culvers, or the local car wash. Nope. We're sponsored by the local liquor store.

So fitting.

And finally, we've committed to be Camping People. We've invested in a gigantic tent, a propane lantern and have booked our first campsite for mid-June.

The kids have never camped before and I've only gone a handful of times as a kid. Mark's the true outdoors man. He practically grew up on a campground -- in fact, the very one we're going to visit soon. I'm certain that the experience will give me a lot to write about.

Yes sir, this is shaping up to be a fabulous summer.


Ryan Family said...

Welcome back. I missed you.
Can we get an update about the girls, 1 year anniversary plans or any strange new homeowner stories?

Jess said...

Yes! Yes! There's so much to tell.

This weekend marks our 1 year anniversary of closing and moving into our house. We told ourselves last year that we'd never lift a box again, and then we wound up spending the day yesterday lugging boxes, helping my parents move.

At least we didn't have to unpack!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Jess!! Hopefully your pregnancy will go better than mine! (We are both "high risk" aren't we??? Hey, I just figure I get more pictures of the baby and more times to look at him.) I was sick with morning sickness, then a cold, then my asthma acted up, now allergies...almost in my 3rd trimester now. I look forward to hearing about yours!!!

Jess said...

Ah yes, "advanced maternal age" -- three words I wasn't prepared to hear.

I suppose a little extra TLC doesn't hurt anyone.

mames said...

congrats!!! so exciting and glad to hear that energy is being restored to you. the family must be so excited about this new little person coming. my sister in law is due just about that time and they are pretty sure she is having a little girl. any news for you yet?

p.s. camping is going to be awesome. my only advice, limit it to three or four days, after that everyone is exhausted.

Jess said...

Thanks, Mames!

We don't know yet if it's a boy or girl. For little Crowbar's sake, I'm pulling for a boy. He shuffles around here, looking for someone to play Transformers with him, his sisters having banned him from their rooms.

Poor kid. He deserves a brother.

Our first camping trip will be a 2-night affair at a campground about 2 hours away. We tested out the tent in our yard for the last two nights and I was done after only one.

I'll be able to last longer once we get an air mattress. I know I sound like a wimp, but the bigger I get, the more cushion I'm gonna need.

Suburban Kamikaze said...

What, no kittens?



Jess said...

Right?!? How else could I complicate my life?

My severe cat allergy is the only reason why we didn't add one of those into the mix too.